Precious Odimegwu: Inspiring the Best in Children

A legal practitioner, hobbyist blogger, and mother who is passionate about early developmental education of children, Precious Odimegwu nursed the dream of catering to the educational needs of preschoolers. For years, she planned to start her own Creche and Nursery Institution, writing down what it would look like and how it would be structured. But she had two major problems: where would she get funding to start out and what would her competitive advantage be.

Not one to be deterred, Precious followed her mantra of being prepared and kept a business plan in her diary, updating it over time. So, when opportunity struck by way of the Tony Elumelu Entrepreneurship Programme, she was ready.

Her goals are to help parents with busy schedules by providing quality child care to their preschool children, and also to contribute her quota in reducing unemployment in her community.

Tell us about your idea and how it would change the world:

My business idea is a Creche and Nursery institution. We want to inspire the best in our little children, especially the pre-schoolers, to give them the solid educational, moral, and social background they need at an early age.

My idea will change the world, starting with my immediate community, by providing early developmental education to our young ones. We want to support parents with busy careers by providing quality child care, while also reducing the number of the unemployed individuals in my community by providing employment opportunities to both graduates and non-graduates.


How did you feel when you heard you were one of the selected Tony Elumelu Entrepreneurs and what was the most difficult part about applying?

It felt heavenly! This idea is something I have always wanted to do and finally I am getting the opportunity to bring my dreams and aspirations to life. I am most grateful to God and to Tony Elumelu for such a wonderful opportunity and I vow to make the best of it.

The application process wasn’t difficult at all. The words just kept flowing because I have always known that this idea is something I want to do, so I was prepared for the questions. I already had a business plan written in my diary long ago so it was easy. It’s good to always be prepared; you never know when opportunity would come knocking.

What stopped you from starting your business when you first got the idea?

My major challenges were financing and how to handle competition in this field. With this programme, I’ll be able to address both challenges especially with the mentor sessions and bootcamp that come with the funding. Now, I have the pedestal I need, I can give life to my business and take it from just an idea to reality.

What is your advice to someone who has an idea and wants to start their own business?

My advice to other entrepreneurs or those who aspire to be entrepreneurs is: Never give up on your dreams. With God all things are possible.


We wish Precious all the best with her Creche and we hope to follow on her business progress over time. To learn more about her and to find out when her business launches, follow her on Twitter.

Every day for the next few days, we will share the stories of 30+ African women entrepreneurs whose ideas can change the world. These women are idea and early stage entrepreneurs, with businesses less than three years old, who are beneficiaries of the Tony Elumelu Entrepreneurship Programme.

We are sharing their experiences in hopes that their stories will inspire someone out there to take the leap and go after their dreams. Hope you enjoy their stories as much as we enjoyed putting them together. Read our introductory post and follow our daily stories on social media using the hashtag #TEEPcofoundHER.